Paraná - Clima

É no Paraná que ocorre a transição do clima tropical para o subtropical, dominante na região sulina. No litoral e na Bacia do Rio Paraná, as temperaturas médias são elevadas, mas se amenizam no restante do Estado. No inverno, sobretudo nos planaltos, além de esporádicas e tímidas nevadas, as geadas são freqüentes e os termômetros não raro atingem alguns graus abaixo de zero.

The Climate

Paraná is situated in the region where the change from tropical to subtropical climate takes place, the latter being more predominant in the southern portion of the country. Along the coast and the Paraná River basin, average temperatures tend to be high, but they are pleasant in the rest of the state. In the winter, especially on the high plateaus, in addition to light and sporadic snowfall, frosts are frequent and thermometers sometimes drop to a few degrees below freezing.

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